Posts Tagged ‘audio’

DIT Collective at Norwich Vegan Festival 2017

Monday, June 5th, 2017

Talk can be found at our page

A couple of weeks ago we gave a talk at the Norwich Vegan Festival about anarchism and anti-authoritarian politics within veganism. Given the explosion of vegan consumerism in the UK today – and especially in Norwich, where there seems to be a new vegan joint opening every couple of months right now – it is important to remember that veganism has grown from fertile radical soil, where it strengthened and was strengthened by radical anti-authoritarianism. In this talk we look at some of the ways that veganism connects with other radical politics such as ecology, feminism, and class struggle.

Cambridge Radical Bookfair talk

Sunday, May 7th, 2017

Last weekend we gave a talk at the Cambridge Radical Bookfair about veganism and animal liberation and what it can bring to individuals involved in anarchist or other anti-authoritarian politics. You can listen to it at our page.