Yesterday a group of us headed to Britannia Cafe – described as a “social enterprise staffed by low risk prisoners”. With both a view of the prison and a view over Norwich, we did a banner drop from the tour bus: SMASH IPP, SET THEM FREE.

To a thumbs up from one of the prisoners staffing the cafe, and curious questions from passengers and people in the cafe, we hung the banner for all to see while one of the men serving in the cafe explained to questioning customers what IPPs are. We headed into the cafe and handed out leaflets, supported by prisoners in the cafe. At least 30 people left the cafe after their coffee and cake knowing they’re being served by people with friends under the shadow of IPP, who are in a system bigger than waiting tables, and that we can all educate ourselves and take action. We were asked for leaflets so they could be taken back into the prison for prisoners to know what’s going on outside.

Thanks to the staff for their support, giving us free water and for everyone who helped make it happen.

Visit Smash IPP for more information.

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