Posts Tagged ‘anarchism’
Monday, July 4th, 2016
Our next discussion group is planed for Friday 22nd July at 6pm, when we will be discussing Heidegger’s “The Question Concerning Technology”. As ever, this is more about getting together than it is about showing off philosophical/political nous, so all are welcome. Having said that, Heidegger is also not the simplest writer to follow so we apologise in advance for any difficulties with this text.
Let us know if you’re interested in participating either by email or via Facebook and we’ll let you know where in Norwich you can find us.
Tags:anarchism, anarchy, discussion group, heidegger, norfolk, norwich, philosophy, technology
Posted in Discussion Group | Comments Closed
Friday, June 24th, 2016
On Sunday 19th May, 1816, Reverend Bartholomew Edwards discovered a letter that had been left on the driveway of Ashill Rectory, which today is known as The Glebe. It was addressed to “the Gentlemen of the parish of Ashill, Norfolk” who, 30 years earlier in 1786, had enclosed 1986 acres of common land.
Tags:1816, anarchism, anarchy, ashill, history, insurrection, norfolk, rural working class
Posted in Writing | Comments Closed
Tuesday, June 14th, 2016
The next screening we are hosting will be of “If A Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front”, which looks at Daniel McGowan and the Oregon, USA, based ELF cell to which he belonged. It is a reflection on the limits of environmental direct action and the political repression that it faces.
The Facebook event page can be found here.
It will be at The Stage, 52 St Augustine’s Street, Norwich between 18:00 and 21:00. There is a kitchen with free tea and coffee available (we’ll bring soya milk), a couple of car parking spaces out the back, and an entrance friendly to people with disabilities. If you have any questions or need help then please send us an email or a message on FB.
Tags:anarchism, anarchy, arson, documentary screening, earth liberation front, environment, norfolk, norwich, the stage
Posted in Documentary Screening | Comments Closed
Wednesday, June 8th, 2016
Thank you to all that came and participated in our Zapatista documentary screening. It was small but hopefully everyone involved felt they gained something from the night. It seems likely we’ll do another screening in early July so keep your eyes open for more details regarding that. Furthermore, it’s likely this will not be the last time we look at the Zapatistas.
In other news, our next discussion group is during the evening of 23rd June, in Norwich, where a text regarding hunt sabotage and animal liberation written by one of the group will be looked at. There is no expertise or experience required to participate: getting together, socialising, and getting to know one another is as valuable as any political debate.
If you’d like to come along please email us or send us a message to our Facebook page.
Tags:anarchism, anarchy, animal liberation, discussion group, DIT Collective, documentary screening, hunt sabbing, norfolk, norwich, radical, veganism, Zapatistas
Posted in General | Comments Closed
Sunday, May 15th, 2016
We are well chuffed to announce our first attempt to screen a documentary focused on topics of interest to radicals. This one is called “Zapatistas: Chronicle of a Rebellion”, produced by the Mexican media outlets La Jornada and Canal Seis de Julio, and provides a linear timeline of the Zapatistas from their insurrection in 1994 until the date of production in 2007.
The Facebook event can be seen here.
It will be upstairs at The Owl Sanctuary on 2nd June, 7pm. The film contains some scenes of graphic violence.
Depending on how this works out, we hope there will be more and on a monthly basis, with an aim of building a community that is regularly engaged in conversation and action toward total liberation. There are so many more possibilities in this world that the society we live in cannot be how we end.
Tags:anarchism, anarchy, DIT Collective, EZLN, norfolk, norwich, radical, screening, the owl sanctuary, Zapatistas
Posted in General | Comments Closed
Sunday, May 8th, 2016
The next reading and discussion group is to be held on the evening of Thursday 26th May, during which we will get together in a public space to discuss the article “We Are All Very Anxious” by the Institute for Precarious Studies. If you are interested in attending, please contact us by email for further details.
Tags:anarchism, anarchy, capitalism, discussion group, DIT Collective, norfolk, norwich, radical
Posted in General | Comments Closed
Sunday, April 17th, 2016

In the early hours of 17th May 1913, a fire broke out in a house on Storey Way, Cambridge. As it raged, the flames spread to the adjoining building – a laboratory belonging to Cambridge University – causing further damage that left it in great need for repair. Once the fires were kept under control and eventually extinguished, the police moved in looking for evidence of its cause. They found a watch and remnants of a ladder that had been wrapped in paraffin-soaked cloth and set alight. It was arson, and the watch belonged to a woman from Norwich.
Tags:1913, anarchism, anarchy, arson, cambridge, history, miriam pratt, norfolk, norwich, suffragettes, wpsu, writing
Posted in Projects | Comments Closed