Peter Gelderloos presents “Worshiping Power” in Norwich
Title: Peter Gelderloos presents “Worshiping Power”
Location: IT Room, The Vauxhall Centre, Johnson Place, NR2 2SA
Link out: Click here
Description: Peter Gelderloos is coming to Norwich as part of a UK speaking tour for his recent book, Worshiping Power. We’re excited to be able to help make this happen in our city.
“Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation
This book provides a history of state formation in Asia, the Americas, Africa, and Europe, from Mesopotamia to the 20th century. Identifying different models or paths of state formation, Worshiping Power lays the groundwork for an anarchist theory of the origin of states, and in the process disputes common misconceptions stemming from liberal, Marxist, primitivist, and environmental determinist theories of state formation. Rather than treating state formation as a singular event, a Pandora’s Box, Worshiping Power analyzes state formation as a constant process, with religious, militaristic, economic, and kinship-based motors. It is also a work in grassroots scholarship, taking the study of the State out of academic institutions and into the streets, showing how a historically grounded understanding of the nature of the State is relevant to today’s struggles against patriarchy, environmental devastation, racism, war, and capitalism.”
The talk will be followed by an opportunity to discuss the themes raised in the book. Peter Gelderloos is also known for texts including “How Non-Violence Protects the State”, “Anarchy Works” and “Learning From Ferguson”.
Takes place in the IT Room of the Vauxhall Centre, a venue that is fully accessible. There is free parking at the building but please use the spaces furthest from the door unless you normally use disability parking spots as the nearer spaces are for people with mobility issues.
You’re welcome to bring your own food and drink but no alcohol please. Event is free entry but donations to help cover getting Peter to and from Norwich would be very welcome.
Date: Wednesday 21st June 2017
Start Time: 19:00
End Time: 21:00
Tags: anarchism, anarchy, class war, DIT Collective, environment, feminism, insurrection, no borders, norfolk, norwich, peter gelderloos, veganism